Monday, April 26, 2021

6, Be

 Recently I listened to a short podcast about Dao/Tao. 人法地,地法天,天法法自然

quick translation of the above is: human imitates the earth, the earth imitates heaven, heaven imitates Dao (the way), Dao imitates being (自然 means nature, so one interpretation - which was my initial understanding - was Dao imitates nature, but a second interpretation is Dao is "being"

It said Dao is "be" (who we are). The article explained: it's like a dog would not want to behave like a human, and a fish will not want to fly in the sky, the Dao is being who we are. 

Ha, this is like what I learned in Yoga. We just be who we are! Except that human also wants to swim in the ocean and fly in the sky and we created lots of technologies to achieve what we are not naturally able to achieve. 

-- Something to think about

5, Donuts

People who received one or both COVID-19 vaccine shots are entitled to a free Krispy Kreme donut! This is totally unique for 2021.

Jack and I went out of our way to get our free donuts last Sunday. Of course, we also bought half a dozen donuts and a latte since we feel bad for getting free stuff. Then I was reminded how much I love donuts and that Krispy Kreme is definitely my favorite! It's soft, fine, sweet and fried, what's not to like? (OK, it's super unhealthy, I know)

Curious as I am, I can't stop wondering about the origin of donuts so my search begins. It turns out donut was first referenced in an 1809 book: "History of New York" as brought in by Dutch settlers to New York. There had been so many versions of doughnuts around the world it's funny! Check it out -

That can't be true, started around 1809? Perhaps I'm looking for the "Origin of fried dough" that was traced back to 8000 BC in China and Egypt "after the invention of pottery allowed for oil to be heated in pots." according to this article

Food can truly unite a family, a nation, and the world. Isn't this something for us to celebrate and embrace?

So thanks Krispy Kreme, and for that, I need to commit to exercising every day of this week.

4, Passion for national foods

I just saw this article on Pho, the humble food that caused outage

Another article posted earlier talked about the fight for Kim Chi.

I love it when people are passionate about their national foods and culture. However, I like to think about humanity as a whole, and that in our history, different cultures may cross paths and influence each other. Even when different nations develop their unique cultures, food, or technologies independently, and ended up being similar, it is something to celebrate.

3, Grey herons

 There is a grey heron that comes to the end of our street (actually there might be two of them). He or she would stand around the bluff, lonely, elegant, and perfectly camouflaged. If you pay attention, you can also see them showing up around surfer beach along Highway One. We were told that you are lucky if you can find the grey heron.

We are so busy and distracted, it's easy to miss the beautiful things in life, but don't let them pass you by.

Smell the roses and watch the grey herons.

2, Wildflowers

April wildflowers are inspiring. When you have a chance, look around for the colorful wildflowers. They are thriving this time of the year.

We were trying to grow poppies for years without success, but this year our neighbor has an overabundance of poppies in their unattended yard. Blooming poppies were even growing out of their concrete driveway. You can imagine how we feel. Nevertheless, we enjoy those poppies very much.

1000 ways to appreciate life, the beginning, number 1

I was inspired to create this blog yesterday. I was as relaxed as I could be for a weekend day. It was misty and cloudy, and we went to the peninsula to let the dogs play. On the way to the beach, I was inspired. 

I thought, life can be so simple, and yet it can be so complicated. The difference is ourselves; how do we handle life's obstacles? How do we deal with life and everything/everyone in it? Eventually, it's our choice. 

I will write down different things we can appreciate in life, from light-hearted moments that bring a smile, simple kindness or pleasure, to an epiphany. The list can grow beyond 1000 (my initial thought was "10,000 ways"), but I'll start with 1000 and let it go beyond that. They are not in any order, and I will not commit to the frequency of posting or the length. I will write it down as it appears to me.

My purpose is to share. This list is by no means exclusive, and it may not even apply to you. In this sense, everyone can create their list. Don't hesitate to add yours to the comments section.

Number 1:

My epiphany: I found out what chicken wires are last Saturday when I saw the green chicken wires at Home Depot. I was surprised to see that they are actually used to contain chickens! 

Curiosity is a blessing, keep discovering but don't get too attached to the results.

8. Knowledge and Wisdom

Knowledge is what you learn from books and in school. Wisdom is developed by combining book knowledge with your own life's experience.  ...